Robert Frost Medal

The Robert Frost Medal is an award of the Poetry Society of America for "distinguished lifetime service to American poetry." Medalists receive a prize purse of $2,500. The medal was first presented in 1930 to Jessie Rittenhouse, and to the memory of Bliss Carmen and George Edward Woodberry Robert Frost was the fourth recipient of the Frost Medal, in 1941, after he had retired from Amherst College.

Robert Frost Medal

The Robert Frost Medal is an award of the Poetry Society of America for "distinguished lifetime service to American poetry." Medalists receive a prize purse of $2,500. The medal was first presented in 1930 to Jessie Rittenhouse, and to the memory of Bliss Carmen and George Edward Woodberry Robert Frost was the fourth recipient of the Frost Medal, in 1941, after he had retired from Amherst College.