Roman Catholicism in Venezuela

The Catholic Church in Venezuela is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope, the Curia in Rome and the Venezuelan Bishops Conference. According to one source, there are around twenty million Catholics representing around 75% of the total. According to the CIA Factbook, 2009, 96% of the population is Catholic. There are 34 dioceses including 8 archdioceses, plus separate jurisdictions for those of the Melkite and Syrian rites.

Roman Catholicism in Venezuela

The Catholic Church in Venezuela is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope, the Curia in Rome and the Venezuelan Bishops Conference. According to one source, there are around twenty million Catholics representing around 75% of the total. According to the CIA Factbook, 2009, 96% of the population is Catholic. There are 34 dioceses including 8 archdioceses, plus separate jurisdictions for those of the Melkite and Syrian rites.