Rory Viner

Rory Viner (born May 31, 1983) is a sound artist, experimental composer and installation artist based in Tokyo, Japan. His works focus on interpreting data, either gathered by the artist or publicly available, into musical arrangements: "Mapping them to music allows data that is usually cold, distant and sterile to become more emotionally felt and immediate. In a way, it is a type of synesthesia, allowing a mixing of senses, or in this case, ways of thinking and experiencing the world."

Rory Viner

Rory Viner (born May 31, 1983) is a sound artist, experimental composer and installation artist based in Tokyo, Japan. His works focus on interpreting data, either gathered by the artist or publicly available, into musical arrangements: "Mapping them to music allows data that is usually cold, distant and sterile to become more emotionally felt and immediate. In a way, it is a type of synesthesia, allowing a mixing of senses, or in this case, ways of thinking and experiencing the world."