S3 Asia MBA

S³ Asia MBA (also written as S3 Asia MBA or simply Asia MBA) is a selective dual degree, tri-city, tri-university global MBA program. Students enrolled in this program study one semester each at three business schools - School of Management of Fudan University, Korea University Business School of Korea University and NUS Business School of National University of Singapore. The name of the program, S³, is derived from the first letter of the three cities where the business schools are located: Shanghai, Seoul and Singapore. It is claimed that presently, the program is the only one of its type in the world.

S3 Asia MBA

S³ Asia MBA (also written as S3 Asia MBA or simply Asia MBA) is a selective dual degree, tri-city, tri-university global MBA program. Students enrolled in this program study one semester each at three business schools - School of Management of Fudan University, Korea University Business School of Korea University and NUS Business School of National University of Singapore. The name of the program, S³, is derived from the first letter of the three cities where the business schools are located: Shanghai, Seoul and Singapore. It is claimed that presently, the program is the only one of its type in the world.