SCA armoured combat

SCA armoured combat, or informally heavy combat, is a combat sport developed by the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) in which participants in body armour act out mock combats loosely inspired by forms of historical combat practiced in medieval Europe. It is variously considered a combat sport, contact sport, or a form of martial art. The slang term "heavy" is used to distinguish this from "light" combat, now almost exclusively referred to as rapier combat.

SCA armoured combat

SCA armoured combat, or informally heavy combat, is a combat sport developed by the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) in which participants in body armour act out mock combats loosely inspired by forms of historical combat practiced in medieval Europe. It is variously considered a combat sport, contact sport, or a form of martial art. The slang term "heavy" is used to distinguish this from "light" combat, now almost exclusively referred to as rapier combat.