Sagebrush vole

The sagebrush vole (Lemmiscus curtatus) is a tiny vole found in western North America. This is the only member of genus Lemmiscus. They are somewhat similar in appearance to lemmings. They have chunky bodies with short legs and a very short tail which is covered in fur and lighter below. They have fluffy dull grey fur with lighter underparts. They are 12 cm long with a 2 cm tail and weigh about 27 g. Female voles have 5 or more litters of 4 to 6 young in a year. The young are born in a nest in a burrow.

Sagebrush vole

The sagebrush vole (Lemmiscus curtatus) is a tiny vole found in western North America. This is the only member of genus Lemmiscus. They are somewhat similar in appearance to lemmings. They have chunky bodies with short legs and a very short tail which is covered in fur and lighter below. They have fluffy dull grey fur with lighter underparts. They are 12 cm long with a 2 cm tail and weigh about 27 g. Female voles have 5 or more litters of 4 to 6 young in a year. The young are born in a nest in a burrow.