Saint George's Cathedral (Novi Sad)

The Cathedral Church of the Holy Great-Martyr George (Serbian: Саборни храм Светог великомученика Георгија, Saborni hram Svetog velikomučenika Georgija) is the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Bačka, located in Novi Sad, northern Serbia. The present-day church was completed in 1905, on the ruins of a church built in 1734 and destroyed in 1849. It is located next to the Eparchy offices in the Bishop's Palace, in Nikola Pašić Street. It is commonly known as Saborna crkva ('Cathedral Church') among the city residents.

Saint George's Cathedral (Novi Sad)

The Cathedral Church of the Holy Great-Martyr George (Serbian: Саборни храм Светог великомученика Георгија, Saborni hram Svetog velikomučenika Georgija) is the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Bačka, located in Novi Sad, northern Serbia. The present-day church was completed in 1905, on the ruins of a church built in 1734 and destroyed in 1849. It is located next to the Eparchy offices in the Bishop's Palace, in Nikola Pašić Street. It is commonly known as Saborna crkva ('Cathedral Church') among the city residents.