Saint Helena pound

The Saint Helena pound (also called simply "pound") is the currency of the Atlantic islands of Saint Helena and Ascension, which are constituents of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. It is fixed at parity with the pound sterling and is subdivided into 100 pence. Tristan da Cunha, the third part of the territory, uses Pound sterling rather than the St Helena pound. However, there are occasionally commemorative coins minted for the island.

Saint Helena pound

The Saint Helena pound (also called simply "pound") is the currency of the Atlantic islands of Saint Helena and Ascension, which are constituents of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. It is fixed at parity with the pound sterling and is subdivided into 100 pence. Tristan da Cunha, the third part of the territory, uses Pound sterling rather than the St Helena pound. However, there are occasionally commemorative coins minted for the island.