Salón de Mayo

The Salón de Mayo (May Salon) was an art exhibition held in Havana, Cuba, in July 1967. It took its name from the Salon de Mai, an artists collective founded during the Nazi occupation of France. It was organized by Carlos Franqui with the assistance of such artists as Wifredo Lam, René Portocarrero, Alexander Calder, Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso. Lam wrote to Franqui in anticipation of the event of his hopes: In Franqui's words the enterprise represented: The Cuban government released a series of commemorative stamps that depicted 25 of the works included in the show.

Salón de Mayo

The Salón de Mayo (May Salon) was an art exhibition held in Havana, Cuba, in July 1967. It took its name from the Salon de Mai, an artists collective founded during the Nazi occupation of France. It was organized by Carlos Franqui with the assistance of such artists as Wifredo Lam, René Portocarrero, Alexander Calder, Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso. Lam wrote to Franqui in anticipation of the event of his hopes: In Franqui's words the enterprise represented: The Cuban government released a series of commemorative stamps that depicted 25 of the works included in the show.