Samson Rock

Samson or Sampson's Rock is a glacial erratic boulder in Madison, Connecticut that, according to Algonquin legend, was formed by Odziozo the giant. The legend says that Odziozo created it after he flung some land out to sea, creating Tuxis Island. The hole filled up to become Tuxis Pond. One rock fell from his hand and became Samson Rock. While leaving, he stepped on the rock. The rock contains a somewhat foot-shaped indent on top which the Algonquin pointed to to support this tale. The European settlers assigned this legend to the Biblical Samson, giving the rock its name. Samson Rock has been preserved for its legendary significance, but is relatively hard to find, tucked between two shopping centers and a parking lot. The rock which it sits on has been fit with a bronze plaque commemora

Samson Rock

Samson or Sampson's Rock is a glacial erratic boulder in Madison, Connecticut that, according to Algonquin legend, was formed by Odziozo the giant. The legend says that Odziozo created it after he flung some land out to sea, creating Tuxis Island. The hole filled up to become Tuxis Pond. One rock fell from his hand and became Samson Rock. While leaving, he stepped on the rock. The rock contains a somewhat foot-shaped indent on top which the Algonquin pointed to to support this tale. The European settlers assigned this legend to the Biblical Samson, giving the rock its name. Samson Rock has been preserved for its legendary significance, but is relatively hard to find, tucked between two shopping centers and a parking lot. The rock which it sits on has been fit with a bronze plaque commemora