San Marin High School

San Marin High School is a high school located in Novato, California, in the United States. Novato is in Marin County. The current enrollment is 1039. The staff includes 62 certificated members including three counselors, one librarian and three administrators. The school employs 25 classified staff including six office staff, three custodians, two part-time and one full-time campus supervisor, eight instructional aides (two for ELL students, three for RSP students and three for Special Day Class students), a library clerk, a college and career center specialist and two food service employees.

San Marin High School

San Marin High School is a high school located in Novato, California, in the United States. Novato is in Marin County. The current enrollment is 1039. The staff includes 62 certificated members including three counselors, one librarian and three administrators. The school employs 25 classified staff including six office staff, three custodians, two part-time and one full-time campus supervisor, eight instructional aides (two for ELL students, three for RSP students and three for Special Day Class students), a library clerk, a college and career center specialist and two food service employees.