Santa Margerita Chapel

Santa Margerita Chapel (English: Saint Margaret Chapel) is a 16 th century chapel in San Gwann, Malta. The chapel was intentionally built for the spiritual services of farmers working the fields in the area. It was built when attacks from the sea were common. The chapel was partially damaged during WWII causing serious damages but large parts have survived. Today the church is a landmark in San Gwann and architecturally contrasts with the modern housing of the area.

Santa Margerita Chapel

Santa Margerita Chapel (English: Saint Margaret Chapel) is a 16 th century chapel in San Gwann, Malta. The chapel was intentionally built for the spiritual services of farmers working the fields in the area. It was built when attacks from the sea were common. The chapel was partially damaged during WWII causing serious damages but large parts have survived. Today the church is a landmark in San Gwann and architecturally contrasts with the modern housing of the area.