School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

The School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University (also known at SIPA) is a public policy and international affairs school and one of Columbia's graduate and professional schools. Located on Columbia's Morningside Heights campus in the Borough of Manhattan, in New York City, the school has more than 19,000 alumni in more than 150 countries. SIPA's alumni include former heads of state, business leaders, journalists, diplomats, and elected representatives. Many graduates reach the upper echelons of central banks and treasuries, others go to energy companies, non-for-profits and social enterprises. Half of SIPA’s nearly 1,400 students are international, coming from over 100 countries. SIPA has more than 70 full-time faculty and more than 200 adjunct professors, including t

School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

The School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University (also known at SIPA) is a public policy and international affairs school and one of Columbia's graduate and professional schools. Located on Columbia's Morningside Heights campus in the Borough of Manhattan, in New York City, the school has more than 19,000 alumni in more than 150 countries. SIPA's alumni include former heads of state, business leaders, journalists, diplomats, and elected representatives. Many graduates reach the upper echelons of central banks and treasuries, others go to energy companies, non-for-profits and social enterprises. Half of SIPA’s nearly 1,400 students are international, coming from over 100 countries. SIPA has more than 70 full-time faculty and more than 200 adjunct professors, including t