ScrewAttack's Top 10

ScrewAttack's Top 10 is a web series created by the production company ScrewAttack. Each episode counts down a particular list relating to video games, such as the Top 10 Metroidvania games or the Top 10 3D platformers. The series was created in 2006 by ScrewAttack founder "Stuttering" Craig Skistimas following a conversation with Mark MacDonald, editor for the network. MacDonald was looking for new content for his video gaming website, and asked Skistimas to create a Top 10 episode to be hosted on the site. A pilot episode was produced within 24 hours, and published to on October 12, 2006. Further episodes were uploaded to, before distribution of the series was moved to the gaming website GameTrailers in February 2007. GameTrailers hosted

ScrewAttack's Top 10

ScrewAttack's Top 10 is a web series created by the production company ScrewAttack. Each episode counts down a particular list relating to video games, such as the Top 10 Metroidvania games or the Top 10 3D platformers. The series was created in 2006 by ScrewAttack founder "Stuttering" Craig Skistimas following a conversation with Mark MacDonald, editor for the network. MacDonald was looking for new content for his video gaming website, and asked Skistimas to create a Top 10 episode to be hosted on the site. A pilot episode was produced within 24 hours, and published to on October 12, 2006. Further episodes were uploaded to, before distribution of the series was moved to the gaming website GameTrailers in February 2007. GameTrailers hosted