Serbian Carpathians

Serbian Carpathians (Serbian: Karpati, Karpatske planine) is a mountain range in eastern Central Serbia. It presents an extension of proper Carpathian Mountains across the Danube, connecting them with the Balkan Mountains in the southeast. They stretch in north-south direction in the eastern Serbia, east of the Great Morava valley and west of the White Timok Valley and north of the Nišava Valley. The mountains are 800–1500 m high, and dominated by karst limestone geologic features.

Serbian Carpathians

Serbian Carpathians (Serbian: Karpati, Karpatske planine) is a mountain range in eastern Central Serbia. It presents an extension of proper Carpathian Mountains across the Danube, connecting them with the Balkan Mountains in the southeast. They stretch in north-south direction in the eastern Serbia, east of the Great Morava valley and west of the White Timok Valley and north of the Nišava Valley. The mountains are 800–1500 m high, and dominated by karst limestone geologic features.