Serbian Militia (1718–39)

Following the successful Austro-Turkish War of 1716–18, and signing of peace, the Habsburgs established the Kingdom of Serbia (1718–39) and appointed the first command cadre of the Serbian National Militia, composed out of two obor-kapetans, ten kapetans, two lieutenants and one major. The obor-kapetans were Vuk Isaković "Crnobarac" and Staniša Marković "Mlatišuma". The Military Governor notified the people that he had began to organize the Militia in Serbia to set up outposts along the Habsburg–Ottoman border, and that he had been given the authorization to hurry up. The population gladly responded to the call, and quickly, beside the regular army under the two ober-kapetans and fifteen (unter-)kapetans, 13 companies of "hajduks" were collected, who were to be used for protection of the b

Serbian Militia (1718–39)

Following the successful Austro-Turkish War of 1716–18, and signing of peace, the Habsburgs established the Kingdom of Serbia (1718–39) and appointed the first command cadre of the Serbian National Militia, composed out of two obor-kapetans, ten kapetans, two lieutenants and one major. The obor-kapetans were Vuk Isaković "Crnobarac" and Staniša Marković "Mlatišuma". The Military Governor notified the people that he had began to organize the Militia in Serbia to set up outposts along the Habsburg–Ottoman border, and that he had been given the authorization to hurry up. The population gladly responded to the call, and quickly, beside the regular army under the two ober-kapetans and fifteen (unter-)kapetans, 13 companies of "hajduks" were collected, who were to be used for protection of the b