Shofar blowing

The blowing of the shofar, or ram's horn, on the Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, Hebrew: תקיעת שופר, pronounced [teki'at shofarʻ] – although not exclusively limited to a ram's horn, as almost any natural bovid horn serves the purpose, excepting a cow's horn, is an injunction that is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Leviticus 23:24) in undefined terms, without divulging how this was to be done: Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, a memorial proclaimed with the blast of horns, a holy convocation.

Shofar blowing

The blowing of the shofar, or ram's horn, on the Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, Hebrew: תקיעת שופר, pronounced [teki'at shofarʻ] – although not exclusively limited to a ram's horn, as almost any natural bovid horn serves the purpose, excepting a cow's horn, is an injunction that is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Leviticus 23:24) in undefined terms, without divulging how this was to be done: Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, a memorial proclaimed with the blast of horns, a holy convocation.