Si Tandang Bacio Macunat

Si Tandang Bacio Macunat (lit. Old Man Bacio Macunat), alternatively spelled as Si Tandang Basio Macunat, is a work written by Spanish friar, Miguel Lucio Busamante published in Tagalog in the Spanish Philippines. It is known for its premise which argues that education is undesirable to indios or native Filipinos, a criticism against the pursuit of education by members of the Ilustrado class.

Si Tandang Bacio Macunat

Si Tandang Bacio Macunat (lit. Old Man Bacio Macunat), alternatively spelled as Si Tandang Basio Macunat, is a work written by Spanish friar, Miguel Lucio Busamante published in Tagalog in the Spanish Philippines. It is known for its premise which argues that education is undesirable to indios or native Filipinos, a criticism against the pursuit of education by members of the Ilustrado class.