Siege of Chichester

The Siege of Chichester was a victory by Parliamentarian forces led by Colonel William Waller over a small Royalist garrison. The siege was one of the key events in the campaign by Waller to secure the south of England and declare it for Parliament. The siege lasted five days and culminated in a surrender by the Royalist resistance - despite this, Waller's troops proceeded to sack and desecrate Chichester Cathedral.

Siege of Chichester

The Siege of Chichester was a victory by Parliamentarian forces led by Colonel William Waller over a small Royalist garrison. The siege was one of the key events in the campaign by Waller to secure the south of England and declare it for Parliament. The siege lasted five days and culminated in a surrender by the Royalist resistance - despite this, Waller's troops proceeded to sack and desecrate Chichester Cathedral.