Silvio Berlusconi prostitute trial

Silvio Berlusconi, a former Prime Minister of Italy, was accused and convicted but on appeal found not guilty of paying Moroccan prostitute Karima El Mahroug, also known by the stage name Ruby Rubacuori (Italian for "Ruby the Heartstealer") – for sexual services between February and May 2010 when she was under the age of 18. He was also convicted and on appeal found not guilty of abuse of office (Italian: concussione) by arranging to have El Mahroug released from police detention during an incident in which she was briefly held on claims of theft. On 24 June 2013, the Court of First Instance sentenced Berlusconi to seven years in prison, and banned him from public office for life. Berlusconi appealed the sentence, and on 18 July 2014, an appeals court overturned Berlusconi's conviction, th

Silvio Berlusconi prostitute trial

Silvio Berlusconi, a former Prime Minister of Italy, was accused and convicted but on appeal found not guilty of paying Moroccan prostitute Karima El Mahroug, also known by the stage name Ruby Rubacuori (Italian for "Ruby the Heartstealer") – for sexual services between February and May 2010 when she was under the age of 18. He was also convicted and on appeal found not guilty of abuse of office (Italian: concussione) by arranging to have El Mahroug released from police detention during an incident in which she was briefly held on claims of theft. On 24 June 2013, the Court of First Instance sentenced Berlusconi to seven years in prison, and banned him from public office for life. Berlusconi appealed the sentence, and on 18 July 2014, an appeals court overturned Berlusconi's conviction, th