Sir John Sherbrooke (Saint John)

The Sir John Sherbooke of Saint John, New Brunswick was a letter of marque brig named after Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, Governor of Nova Scotia. Though technically a privateer, she was actually an armed merchantman. She was commissioned on 27 November 1812 and carried ten guns and a crew of 30 men. The smallness of her crew relative to the number of her guns, as well as the small amount of the amount of ammunition that she carried are consistent with her being an armed trader rather than a prize-taker.

Sir John Sherbrooke (Saint John)

The Sir John Sherbooke of Saint John, New Brunswick was a letter of marque brig named after Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, Governor of Nova Scotia. Though technically a privateer, she was actually an armed merchantman. She was commissioned on 27 November 1812 and carried ten guns and a crew of 30 men. The smallness of her crew relative to the number of her guns, as well as the small amount of the amount of ammunition that she carried are consistent with her being an armed trader rather than a prize-taker.