Smartish Pace

Smartish Pace is a non-profit, independent literary journal based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Smartish Pace was founded in 1999 by Stephen Reichert who was a University of Maryland School of Law student at the time. The name, Smartish Pace, originates from a tort case in which a horse carriage, which was travelling at a smartish pace, ran over and killed a donkey. Smartish Pace has published poems by the following Pulitzer Prize winners: Natasha Trethewey, Claudia Emerson, Ted Kooser, Paul Muldoon, Yusef Komunyakaa, Carl Dennis, Stephen Dunn, Henry Taylor, Mary Oliver, Maxine Kumin, and Anthony Hecht. When referencing places Pulitzer Prize winner Claudia Emerson had published, Newsweek called the journal "obscure".

Smartish Pace

Smartish Pace is a non-profit, independent literary journal based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Smartish Pace was founded in 1999 by Stephen Reichert who was a University of Maryland School of Law student at the time. The name, Smartish Pace, originates from a tort case in which a horse carriage, which was travelling at a smartish pace, ran over and killed a donkey. Smartish Pace has published poems by the following Pulitzer Prize winners: Natasha Trethewey, Claudia Emerson, Ted Kooser, Paul Muldoon, Yusef Komunyakaa, Carl Dennis, Stephen Dunn, Henry Taylor, Mary Oliver, Maxine Kumin, and Anthony Hecht. When referencing places Pulitzer Prize winner Claudia Emerson had published, Newsweek called the journal "obscure".