Social Mobilisation Network (SMNet)

The Social Mobilisation Network (SMNet) was formed in 2001 as a direct intervention to reach out to families to immunise their children against polio. Today, this three-tiered structure is supported by UNICEF and The CORE Group and works exclusively for polio eradication in polio endemic and high risk areas in Uttar Pradesh, India. Community Mobilisation Coordinators (CMC) work at the grassroots visiting households and counselling families on a regular basis. In rural areas, each CMC is assigned the responsibility of maintaining contact with 500 families. In crowded urban areas, the CMC networks with 300 families in a given location.

Social Mobilisation Network (SMNet)

The Social Mobilisation Network (SMNet) was formed in 2001 as a direct intervention to reach out to families to immunise their children against polio. Today, this three-tiered structure is supported by UNICEF and The CORE Group and works exclusively for polio eradication in polio endemic and high risk areas in Uttar Pradesh, India. Community Mobilisation Coordinators (CMC) work at the grassroots visiting households and counselling families on a regular basis. In rural areas, each CMC is assigned the responsibility of maintaining contact with 500 families. In crowded urban areas, the CMC networks with 300 families in a given location.