Someșul Cald

The Someșul Cald is the left headwater of the river Someșul Mic in Romania. It joins the Someșul Rece in Lake Gilău, a reservoir near Gilău. The reservoirs Mărișelu, Tarnița and Someșul Cald are located on this river. The Tarniţa – Lăpuşteşti Hydroelectric Power Station began construction on the river on June 15, 2008.

Someșul Cald

The Someșul Cald is the left headwater of the river Someșul Mic in Romania. It joins the Someșul Rece in Lake Gilău, a reservoir near Gilău. The reservoirs Mărișelu, Tarnița and Someșul Cald are located on this river. The Tarniţa – Lăpuşteşti Hydroelectric Power Station began construction on the river on June 15, 2008.