Southwood Community Church

Southwood Church is an evangelical church started in Windsor, Ontario in 2001 by pastor Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock, known for its expository preaching, church planting vision and creative use of media and music in worship services. In the summer of 2001 the church numbered 35 people and grew considerably to over 500 in 2015. Additionally, three other churches have been planted through members of this church in Essex County, including a student church meeting at the University of Windsor called The Vine Church. Dr. Rock also served on the faculty of Heritage Baptist College and Heritage Theological Seminary. In 2011 he was interviewed by a reporter in the Windsor Star for his opposition to the End Times prophecies of Family Radio predicting that the world would end May 21, 2011. Nine people serve

Southwood Community Church

Southwood Church is an evangelical church started in Windsor, Ontario in 2001 by pastor Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock, known for its expository preaching, church planting vision and creative use of media and music in worship services. In the summer of 2001 the church numbered 35 people and grew considerably to over 500 in 2015. Additionally, three other churches have been planted through members of this church in Essex County, including a student church meeting at the University of Windsor called The Vine Church. Dr. Rock also served on the faculty of Heritage Baptist College and Heritage Theological Seminary. In 2011 he was interviewed by a reporter in the Windsor Star for his opposition to the End Times prophecies of Family Radio predicting that the world would end May 21, 2011. Nine people serve