Soviet Census (1989)

The 1989 Soviet census (Russian: Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989), transliterated as Vsesoyuznaya perepis naselenya 1989 or academically as Vsesojuznaja perepis' naselenja 1989, conducted between 12-19 January of that year, was the last one that took place in the former USSR. The census found the total population to be 286,730,819 inhabitants. In 1989, the Soviet Union ranked as the third most populous in the world, above the United States (with 248,709,873 inhabitants according to the 1 April 1990 census), although it was well behind China and India.

Soviet Census (1989)

The 1989 Soviet census (Russian: Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989), transliterated as Vsesoyuznaya perepis naselenya 1989 or academically as Vsesojuznaja perepis' naselenja 1989, conducted between 12-19 January of that year, was the last one that took place in the former USSR. The census found the total population to be 286,730,819 inhabitants. In 1989, the Soviet Union ranked as the third most populous in the world, above the United States (with 248,709,873 inhabitants according to the 1 April 1990 census), although it was well behind China and India.