Spiritual autobiography

Spiritual autobiography is a genre of non-fiction prose that dominated Protestant writing during the seventeenth century, particularly in England, particularly that of dissenters. The narrative follows the believer from a state of damnation to a state of grace; the most famous example is perhaps John Bunyan's Grace Abounding (1666). Insightful work coming from the contemporary encounter of Western aspirants with Buddhism also includes Stephen Batchelor's "Confession of a Buddhist Atheist" (2011, New York, Spiegel and Grau).

Spiritual autobiography

Spiritual autobiography is a genre of non-fiction prose that dominated Protestant writing during the seventeenth century, particularly in England, particularly that of dissenters. The narrative follows the believer from a state of damnation to a state of grace; the most famous example is perhaps John Bunyan's Grace Abounding (1666). Insightful work coming from the contemporary encounter of Western aspirants with Buddhism also includes Stephen Batchelor's "Confession of a Buddhist Atheist" (2011, New York, Spiegel and Grau).