Sports Plus Network

Sports Plus Network was a service run by SportsChannel in the late 1980s and early 1990s that filled the airtime when SportsChannel was not on the air. It was an "automated" service that featured sports news and scores displayed using NAPLPS graphics that made it look like the online service Prodigy, including a noticeable loading time for pages, which were "drawn" on the screen with primitive shapes. The service appears to have had some similarity to teletext, but the major difference was that it was not interactive, stories stay on screen for a few seconds and it moves to the next screen.

Sports Plus Network

Sports Plus Network was a service run by SportsChannel in the late 1980s and early 1990s that filled the airtime when SportsChannel was not on the air. It was an "automated" service that featured sports news and scores displayed using NAPLPS graphics that made it look like the online service Prodigy, including a noticeable loading time for pages, which were "drawn" on the screen with primitive shapes. The service appears to have had some similarity to teletext, but the major difference was that it was not interactive, stories stay on screen for a few seconds and it moves to the next screen.