SrnB-SrnC toxin-antitoxin system

The SrnB-SrnC toxin-antitoxin system of the F plasmid is homologous to the hok/sok system of R1. Like the hok/sok system, it performs a post-segregational killing function, ensuring that all surviving daughter cells inherit the F plasmid. The system consists of srnB' mRNA which is relatively stable and codes for the toxic protein SrnB, srnB mRNA, a regulatory element and srnC mRNA, an antitoxin with complementarity to srnB.

SrnB-SrnC toxin-antitoxin system

The SrnB-SrnC toxin-antitoxin system of the F plasmid is homologous to the hok/sok system of R1. Like the hok/sok system, it performs a post-segregational killing function, ensuring that all surviving daughter cells inherit the F plasmid. The system consists of srnB' mRNA which is relatively stable and codes for the toxic protein SrnB, srnB mRNA, a regulatory element and srnC mRNA, an antitoxin with complementarity to srnB.