St. Michael Redoubt Site

St. Michael Redoubt was a fortified trading and supply post established by the Russian-American Company in 1833, at the location of what is now the city of St. Michael, Alaska. It is located on the southern shore of Norton Sound at a convenient location near the mouth of the Yukon River. The fort, established by order of Ferdinand Wrangel, was used in following decades as a logistics point for exploration of southwestern Alaska and the Alaskan interior via the Yukon and other rivers.

St. Michael Redoubt Site

St. Michael Redoubt was a fortified trading and supply post established by the Russian-American Company in 1833, at the location of what is now the city of St. Michael, Alaska. It is located on the southern shore of Norton Sound at a convenient location near the mouth of the Yukon River. The fort, established by order of Ferdinand Wrangel, was used in following decades as a logistics point for exploration of southwestern Alaska and the Alaskan interior via the Yukon and other rivers.