St Catherine's College of Education for Home Economics

St. Catherine’s College of Education for Home Economics, was set up by the Dominican Order in 1929 for the training of secondary school teachers of Domestic Science, the college was known more colloquially as either ‘St Catherine’s’ or simply as ‘Sion Hill’. It was renamed in 1971 St. Catherine’s College of Education for Home Economics. The Dominican Order also established The Froebel College of Education for primary school teachers, at Sion Hill.

St Catherine's College of Education for Home Economics

St. Catherine’s College of Education for Home Economics, was set up by the Dominican Order in 1929 for the training of secondary school teachers of Domestic Science, the college was known more colloquially as either ‘St Catherine’s’ or simply as ‘Sion Hill’. It was renamed in 1971 St. Catherine’s College of Education for Home Economics. The Dominican Order also established The Froebel College of Education for primary school teachers, at Sion Hill.