St Dominic's School

St. Dominic's School in Hambledon, Surrey, England is a co-educational weekly boarding and day school, one of the oldest special schools in the United Kingdom and specialises in the education of children with autism. While currently independent, it is supported by local government funding as a centre of excellence in an area of disability for which public funding is to a certain extent is variously provided throughout the country. Currently pupils are admitted from over 35 different LEAs. It admits and educates pupils ages 8–19.

St Dominic's School

St. Dominic's School in Hambledon, Surrey, England is a co-educational weekly boarding and day school, one of the oldest special schools in the United Kingdom and specialises in the education of children with autism. While currently independent, it is supported by local government funding as a centre of excellence in an area of disability for which public funding is to a certain extent is variously provided throughout the country. Currently pupils are admitted from over 35 different LEAs. It admits and educates pupils ages 8–19.