Stalingrad Madonna

The Stalingrad Madonna (German: Stalingradmadonna) is an image of the Virgin Mary drawn by a German soldier, Kurt Reuber, in 1942 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Russia, during the Battle of Stalingrad. The original is displayed in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin, whilst copies now hang in the cathedrals of Berlin, Coventry and Kazan Cathedral, Volgograd as a sign of the reconciliation between Germany and the United Kingdom and Russia, which were enemies during the Second World War.

Stalingrad Madonna

The Stalingrad Madonna (German: Stalingradmadonna) is an image of the Virgin Mary drawn by a German soldier, Kurt Reuber, in 1942 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Russia, during the Battle of Stalingrad. The original is displayed in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin, whilst copies now hang in the cathedrals of Berlin, Coventry and Kazan Cathedral, Volgograd as a sign of the reconciliation between Germany and the United Kingdom and Russia, which were enemies during the Second World War.