Star Alliance

Star Alliance is one of the world's largest global airline alliances. Founded on 14 May 1997, its current CEO is Mark Schwab and its headquarters is in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. As of 7 August 2016, Star Alliance is the second largest global alliance by passenger count with 641.1 million, after SkyTeam (665.4 million) and ahead of Oneworld (557.4 million). Its slogan is "The Way The Earth Connects".

Star Alliance

Star Alliance is one of the world's largest global airline alliances. Founded on 14 May 1997, its current CEO is Mark Schwab and its headquarters is in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. As of 7 August 2016, Star Alliance is the second largest global alliance by passenger count with 641.1 million, after SkyTeam (665.4 million) and ahead of Oneworld (557.4 million). Its slogan is "The Way The Earth Connects".