Stillste Stund

Stillste Stund (German: Stillest Hour) are a German musical group. It was formed by Oliver Uckermann and female vocalist Birgit Strunz in 1998. The lyrics are written primarily in German, supported by male and female vocals.The band's name comes from Friedrich Nietzsche's most famous book: Also sprach Zarathustra. Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Second Part - Die Stillste Stunde.

Stillste Stund

Stillste Stund (German: Stillest Hour) are a German musical group. It was formed by Oliver Uckermann and female vocalist Birgit Strunz in 1998. The lyrics are written primarily in German, supported by male and female vocals.The band's name comes from Friedrich Nietzsche's most famous book: Also sprach Zarathustra. Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Second Part - Die Stillste Stunde.