Student loans in the United States

Student loans in the United States are a form of financial aid that usually must be repaid, in contrast to other forms of financial aid such as scholarships, which never have to be repaid, and grants, which only rarely have to be repaid. Student loans play a very large role in U.S. higher education. Nearly 20 million Americans attend college each year. Of that 20 million, close to 12 million – or 60% – borrow annually to help cover costs. In Europe, higher education receives much more government funding, so student loans are much less common. In parts of Asia and Latin America government funding for post-secondary education is lower – usually limited to a few flagship universities, like the Mexican UNAM – and there are no special programs under which students can easily and inexpensively b

Student loans in the United States

Student loans in the United States are a form of financial aid that usually must be repaid, in contrast to other forms of financial aid such as scholarships, which never have to be repaid, and grants, which only rarely have to be repaid. Student loans play a very large role in U.S. higher education. Nearly 20 million Americans attend college each year. Of that 20 million, close to 12 million – or 60% – borrow annually to help cover costs. In Europe, higher education receives much more government funding, so student loans are much less common. In parts of Asia and Latin America government funding for post-secondary education is lower – usually limited to a few flagship universities, like the Mexican UNAM – and there are no special programs under which students can easily and inexpensively b