Sunnistan, Shiastan and Kurdistan

It has been proposed by international powers that Syria and Iraq be divided into Sunnistan, Shiastan and Kurdistan. Sunnistan would become a Sunni Arab state in northwest Iraq and eastern Syria, Shiastan a Shia Arab state in southeast Iraq, and Kurdistan in northern Syria and northern Iraq, whose people are Sunni Kurds. Some experts support the creation of a Sunnistan.

Sunnistan, Shiastan and Kurdistan

It has been proposed by international powers that Syria and Iraq be divided into Sunnistan, Shiastan and Kurdistan. Sunnistan would become a Sunni Arab state in northwest Iraq and eastern Syria, Shiastan a Shia Arab state in southeast Iraq, and Kurdistan in northern Syria and northern Iraq, whose people are Sunni Kurds. Some experts support the creation of a Sunnistan.