Suomen huippumalli haussa (cycle 1)

Cycle one of Suomen huippumalli haussa premiered on Sunday, 6 April 2008 from 20.00 to 21.00 on the Finnish channel Nelonen. The last episode aired on 8 June 2008. The winner for cycle one, Ani Alitalo, was awarded a €25,000 contract with Paparazzi Model Management, the front cover of Finnish Cosmopolitan and became a spokesperson for Max Factor.

Suomen huippumalli haussa (cycle 1)

Cycle one of Suomen huippumalli haussa premiered on Sunday, 6 April 2008 from 20.00 to 21.00 on the Finnish channel Nelonen. The last episode aired on 8 June 2008. The winner for cycle one, Ani Alitalo, was awarded a €25,000 contract with Paparazzi Model Management, the front cover of Finnish Cosmopolitan and became a spokesperson for Max Factor.