Surabaya Stock Exchange

Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX) (Bursa Efek Surabaya (BES) in Indonesian) was a stock exchange that officially opened on June 16, 1989, based on the Minister of Finance Decree of Indonesia No. 654/KMK.010/1989 with only thirty-six shareholders. It was established in order to support the Indonesian government in capital markets and economic development in the East Region of Indonesia.

Surabaya Stock Exchange

Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX) (Bursa Efek Surabaya (BES) in Indonesian) was a stock exchange that officially opened on June 16, 1989, based on the Minister of Finance Decree of Indonesia No. 654/KMK.010/1989 with only thirty-six shareholders. It was established in order to support the Indonesian government in capital markets and economic development in the East Region of Indonesia.