Sutton Salt Lake

Sutton Salt Lake in Otago, is New Zealand's only salt water lake. The lake is filled only by rainwater and dries up during periods of warm weather and little rain. Sutton Salt Lake is also unique in that it lies in a region of windy cool-temperate maritime climate. This makes it different from most of the world's saline lakes, which usually form in arid continental landscapes. The total area of the lake, when the shallow depression is filled with rainwater, is nearly two hectares. The nearest coast is 50 kilometers from the lake.

Sutton Salt Lake

Sutton Salt Lake in Otago, is New Zealand's only salt water lake. The lake is filled only by rainwater and dries up during periods of warm weather and little rain. Sutton Salt Lake is also unique in that it lies in a region of windy cool-temperate maritime climate. This makes it different from most of the world's saline lakes, which usually form in arid continental landscapes. The total area of the lake, when the shallow depression is filled with rainwater, is nearly two hectares. The nearest coast is 50 kilometers from the lake.