Swapna Saraswata

Swapna Sarswata is novel written by Gopalakrishna Pai. This book won 2011's Kannada Sahitya Akademi Award for the author.This book also won prestigious Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award and the H. Shantaram Literary AwardAuthor mentioned that he has worked for nearly 20 years and sourced 4,000 books, manuscripts and documents for this work. He has traveled from Goa to Kochi to meet people and studied their lifestyle. He has worked for nearly five years on the draft and revised it six times. The book has been translated into English, Marathi, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali and Tamil.

Swapna Saraswata

Swapna Sarswata is novel written by Gopalakrishna Pai. This book won 2011's Kannada Sahitya Akademi Award for the author.This book also won prestigious Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award and the H. Shantaram Literary AwardAuthor mentioned that he has worked for nearly 20 years and sourced 4,000 books, manuscripts and documents for this work. He has traveled from Goa to Kochi to meet people and studied their lifestyle. He has worked for nearly five years on the draft and revised it six times. The book has been translated into English, Marathi, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali and Tamil.