Sweet Valley Senior Year

Sweet Valley High Senior Year is part of the Sweet Valley High franchise and the last spin-off series to be published. A double edition of the final book, Sweet 18, included the first book from the SVH series, Double Love, and a letter from creator Francine Pascal. The series is considered the most contemporary and realistic of the franchise. The series ends when the twins graduate from high school and their story is continued in the Sweet Valley University series, where they go to university.

Sweet Valley Senior Year

Sweet Valley High Senior Year is part of the Sweet Valley High franchise and the last spin-off series to be published. A double edition of the final book, Sweet 18, included the first book from the SVH series, Double Love, and a letter from creator Francine Pascal. The series is considered the most contemporary and realistic of the franchise. The series ends when the twins graduate from high school and their story is continued in the Sweet Valley University series, where they go to university.