Swiss Brazilians

Swiss Brazilians (Portuguese: Helveto-brasileiros, Brasileiros suíços) are Brazilian citizens of full or partial Swiss ancestry, who remain culturally connected to Switzerland, or Swiss-born people permanently residing in Brazil. In 1818, King John VI of Portugal, then resident in Rio de Janeiro, authorized the entry into Brazil of Swiss immigrants from the state (canton) of Fribourg (Switzerland). The parish was given the name of "São João Batista de Nova Friburgo" (Saint John the Baptist of New Fribourg) and was founded in 1820.

Swiss Brazilians

Swiss Brazilians (Portuguese: Helveto-brasileiros, Brasileiros suíços) are Brazilian citizens of full or partial Swiss ancestry, who remain culturally connected to Switzerland, or Swiss-born people permanently residing in Brazil. In 1818, King John VI of Portugal, then resident in Rio de Janeiro, authorized the entry into Brazil of Swiss immigrants from the state (canton) of Fribourg (Switzerland). The parish was given the name of "São João Batista de Nova Friburgo" (Saint John the Baptist of New Fribourg) and was founded in 1820.