Sylvia (comic strip)

Sylvia was a comic strip by American cartoonist Nicole Hollander that offered commentary on political, social and cultural topics, and on cats, primarily in the voice of its title character, Sylvia. Distributed to newspapers nationally by Tribune Media Services, Sylvia appeared online at Hollander’s blog, Bad Girl Chats, but that domain now redirects to a commercial site. On March 26, 2012, Hollander announced "Sylvia's retirement from the newspaper business."

Sylvia (comic strip)

Sylvia was a comic strip by American cartoonist Nicole Hollander that offered commentary on political, social and cultural topics, and on cats, primarily in the voice of its title character, Sylvia. Distributed to newspapers nationally by Tribune Media Services, Sylvia appeared online at Hollander’s blog, Bad Girl Chats, but that domain now redirects to a commercial site. On March 26, 2012, Hollander announced "Sylvia's retirement from the newspaper business."