Talbot Street bomb-making haul

The Talbot Street bomb-making haul, on 28 September 2006, had two men arrested in the north of England and charged under the Explosive Substances Act 1883 for the possession of rocket launchers and a large haul of explosives-making chemicals. The case went virtually unreported in the national press until the trial. The trial began on 12 February 2007. One man pleaded guilty of possession of explosives, the other denied all charges.

Talbot Street bomb-making haul

The Talbot Street bomb-making haul, on 28 September 2006, had two men arrested in the north of England and charged under the Explosive Substances Act 1883 for the possession of rocket launchers and a large haul of explosives-making chemicals. The case went virtually unreported in the national press until the trial. The trial began on 12 February 2007. One man pleaded guilty of possession of explosives, the other denied all charges.