Taunton sleeping car fire

The Taunton sleeping car fire occurred in a sleeping car train at Taunton, Somerset, England, in the early hours of 6 July 1978. It killed 12 people, injured 15 people and had far-reaching effects for British Rail. The fire was caused by an electric heater which had been obstructed by sacks of dirty bed linen causing it to overheat. Most deaths were due to smoke inhalation.

Taunton sleeping car fire

The Taunton sleeping car fire occurred in a sleeping car train at Taunton, Somerset, England, in the early hours of 6 July 1978. It killed 12 people, injured 15 people and had far-reaching effects for British Rail. The fire was caused by an electric heater which had been obstructed by sacks of dirty bed linen causing it to overheat. Most deaths were due to smoke inhalation.