Tebet, South Jakarta

Tebet is a subdistrict of South Jakarta, one of the administrative cities which form the Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia. The boundaries of Tebet are Jend. Gatot Subroto-Letjen Haryono MT. tollway to the south, Ciliwung River to the east, Jalan Casablanca - Ciliwung River to the north, and Cideng River to the west. This subdistrict is home to SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta Tebet is prone to flooding, especially the area around the Ciliwung River.

Tebet, South Jakarta

Tebet is a subdistrict of South Jakarta, one of the administrative cities which form the Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia. The boundaries of Tebet are Jend. Gatot Subroto-Letjen Haryono MT. tollway to the south, Ciliwung River to the east, Jalan Casablanca - Ciliwung River to the north, and Cideng River to the west. This subdistrict is home to SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta Tebet is prone to flooding, especially the area around the Ciliwung River.