Telephone numbers in Oceania

Country Code: +61International Call Prefix: 0011Trunk Prefix: 0 Telephone numbers in Australia consist of a single-digit area code (prefixed with a '0' when dialing within Australia) and eight-digit local numbers, the first four, five or six of which specify the exchange, and the remaining four, three or two a line at that exchange. (Most exchanges though have several exchange codes.) Within Australia, the area code is only required to call from one area code to another. Following reorganization of the numbering plan between 1994 and 1998, the following numbering ranges are now used:

Telephone numbers in Oceania

Country Code: +61International Call Prefix: 0011Trunk Prefix: 0 Telephone numbers in Australia consist of a single-digit area code (prefixed with a '0' when dialing within Australia) and eight-digit local numbers, the first four, five or six of which specify the exchange, and the remaining four, three or two a line at that exchange. (Most exchanges though have several exchange codes.) Within Australia, the area code is only required to call from one area code to another. Following reorganization of the numbering plan between 1994 and 1998, the following numbering ranges are now used: