The Call of the Wintermoon

The Call of the Wintermoon is a song by the black metal band Immortal from their album Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism. The song is notable for its music video, in which members of the band run furiously amok in a forest and through the site of the ancient ruins of Lyse Abbey, wearing corpse paint (and other articles such as a wizard costume), brandishing various weapons and, among other things, breathing fire. Being the drummer at time of shootings, Kolgrim appears in the music video, despite having nothing to do with the studio track (the drums were recorded by his predecessor Armagedda).

The Call of the Wintermoon

The Call of the Wintermoon is a song by the black metal band Immortal from their album Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism. The song is notable for its music video, in which members of the band run furiously amok in a forest and through the site of the ancient ruins of Lyse Abbey, wearing corpse paint (and other articles such as a wizard costume), brandishing various weapons and, among other things, breathing fire. Being the drummer at time of shootings, Kolgrim appears in the music video, despite having nothing to do with the studio track (the drums were recorded by his predecessor Armagedda).