The Chuck Wagon Gang

The Chuck Wagon Gang is a Country gospel musical group, formed in 1935 by D.P. (Dad) Carter and son Jim (Ernest) and daughters Rose (Lola) and Anna (Effie). The group got their first radio break as sponsored singers for Bewley Flour in 1936. The "Gang" signed with Columbia Records and remained with them for 39 years, creating a world record with them that lasted until 2000, when Johnny Mathis' overall contract with the same label (combining both his signage in 1957 and re-signage in 1968) entered its 40th year. At one point they were Columbia's number one selling group with excess of over 39 million in record sales.

The Chuck Wagon Gang

The Chuck Wagon Gang is a Country gospel musical group, formed in 1935 by D.P. (Dad) Carter and son Jim (Ernest) and daughters Rose (Lola) and Anna (Effie). The group got their first radio break as sponsored singers for Bewley Flour in 1936. The "Gang" signed with Columbia Records and remained with them for 39 years, creating a world record with them that lasted until 2000, when Johnny Mathis' overall contract with the same label (combining both his signage in 1957 and re-signage in 1968) entered its 40th year. At one point they were Columbia's number one selling group with excess of over 39 million in record sales.